Retailers face no shortage of fresh, innovative competitors. Newcomers in online and brick and mortar retail alike are stepping up their game and aiming to steal your market share. If they provide more convenient and engaging experiences, today’s fickle customers won’t hesitate to shift their loyalty.
To stay ahead of the curve, you have to embrace innovation and provide customers with omni-channel engagement that matches their lifestyle. Customers expect to move seamlessly from channel to channel with consistent experiences and personalization.
At the same time, you have to be a good steward of the data your customers share with you. You must protect their data—and your brand reputation—from breaches, but also enforce customer consent and give them insight into how you’re using their data. Loyalty and trust are tied closely together. If you lose your customers’ trust by mistreating their data, their loyalty will soon follow.
“Seventy-five percent of consumers expect consistent experiences across multiple channels (web, mobile, in-person, social), with 73% likely to switch brands if they don’t get it.”1
Providing secure, seamless customer experiences across channels is just the first step. You must also be supported on the back end by premium products and top-notch service from your employees and supply chain partners. That requires providing those users with the same level of secure, seamless access to the applications and technologies they need. Insecure or inefficient processes around employee and partner access will add friction to the engine powering your retail enterprise.
A modern identity and access management (IAM) platform is key to securely enabling engaging customer experiences, while streamlining employee and partner interactions at scale. An efficient identity infrastructure will allow you to stay in lockstep with innovation, wow your customers, secure their data and boost employee and partner efficiency.